Charles University

General information
Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), is among the three hundred best universities from more than 17 thousand facilities all over the world. The ranking lists monitor only institutions with major research activities. Charles University therefore belongs among 1.5% of the best world universities and is traditionally the best in the Czech Republic. The institute of general practice is part of the first Medical Faculty. The Scientific Centres of the First Faculty of Medicine belong to the best ones in the Czech Republic in the category of Czech firms 2008 ‘Education – Science – Health – Humanity’.




Work Package
Leader of WP7
Participating in WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP8


SPIMEU Researchers

Prof. Bohumil Seifert, MD, PhD
Professor of General Practice / Head of Institute of General Practice / General Practitioner




Norbert Král, MD
PhD student / General Practitioner