University of Southern Denmark

General information
The Research Unit of General Practice, Institute of Public Health, at the University of Southern Denmark comprises more than 80 employees and the primary fields of research are: Chronic diseases/multimorbidity including prevention, organization of general practice, symptoms healthcare-seeking and diagnosis, medical risk analysis, communication and rehabilitation. The Research Unit of General Practice therefore hosts a multi-professional research environment with extensive experience in managing large population-based interventions. Audit Project Odense (APO) and the affiliated EU project HAPPY Audit is also part of the Research Unit’s activities, and The Region of Southern Denmark has based the Practice Liaison Program and the Quality Development Consulting in proximity to the Research Unit. Also the Danish Quality Unit of General Practice and a University Medical Practice are housed within the building.




Work Package
Leader of WP2
Participating in WP1, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7 and WP8


SPIMEU Researchers

Prof. Jens Søndergaard, MD, PhD





Trine Thilsing, DVM, PhD