WP 2: Dissemination

WP Title:       Dissemination
WP Leader:  University of Southern Denmark
Period:           May 2015 – April 2018



Making the results and deliverables of the project available to the stakeholders and to a wider audience.



1. Dissemination plan

2. Project website

3. Project leaflet

4. Toolbox


Description of work

The activities in this Work Package will be coordinated by the University of Southern Denmark, with support and input from NIVEL and Julius Center for Health Sciences. The WP2 activities focus on the dissemination of the SPIMEU project results to the relevant stakeholders. These include citizens in EU Member States, health care professionals involved in preventive activities, and health policy makers engaged in prevention. These three different target groups need to be addressed in different ways, by different communication methods, and different information products. To ensure effective dissemination, a dissemination plan will be prepared, to be adopted by the steering committee of the SPIMEU project. This dissemination plan will guide all activities during the SPIMEU project aimed at distributing the project results.